News & Blogs

Bin Store Distribution Services
Introducing Bin Store Distribution Services In today’s evolving retail landscape, emerging retail models have gained momentum due to factors such as Covid, supply chain challenges, economic uncertainty, and the decline of traditional retail giants. Bin stores, an old concept experiencing a revival, present numerous opportunities. These stores allow consumers to find great deals during tough

CES 2023 in Review
Titanic Sales once again made its annual trek to the 2022 CES show in Las Vegas to both establish relationships with new brands/manufacturers and to meet with our existing partners. As a relationship driven organization, CES is extremely important to us because nowhere else do you get to engage with so many potential customers, partners, and industry experts all in one

Culture Matters More Than You Think
Company culture is much more than an industry buzz phrase. It’s not the number of slides you have in your lobby, the snacks in your cafeteria, or the weekly lunches held in fancy restaurants. It’s so much more than the eccentric examples that places like Silicon Valley have made the standard reference. It’s at the

Reflecting on Today While Looking to Tomorrow
We’re close to the end of another year, and what a year it was. There were no shortages of challenges for the industry even though there were shortages of everything else. Businesses and the people that depend on them struggled – many continue to struggle. The economy saw some recovery, but nothing close to what

Reflecting on a Decade of Titanic Sales
It is hard to wrap our minds around the fact that we started Titanic Sales a decade ago. Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that we were struggling to pull together the foundations of a new business. Now, we look around, and we see a well-oiled machine that has grown into

Titanic Sales Finalizes Partnership with Elevate Ecomm
From our founding, Titanic Sales has built its business on relationships. Growing a strong network of vendors and suppliers doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the culmination of years of engagement, building trust, creating value, and contributing to our partner’s success. We’re now bringing that same trusted model to our growing services business. In spearheading that effort,

Always Another Lesson to Learn
As a business leader, it’s essential to realize that there’s always another lesson to be learned, no matter your success level. Always Be a Student At Titanic Sales, we have over fifty combined years of experience and have worked with countless partners along the way. One thing we’ve been constantly reminded of throughout that time

Overcoming is in Our DNA
The COVID – 19 global pandemic has turned our world upside down and presented use with unexpected hurdles and challenges to our way of life. We’ve lost much in our struggle to overcome this virus’s impacts, and we’ll likely lose even more before it is over. Our species’ history is on our side, though –

Urban Bloom
Titanic Sales is pleased to announce our partnership with Urban Bloom – the leader in sleep inspired comfort. Our company’s aim to bring exceptional products to the market drives us to collaborate with industry leaders around the world, and our partnership with Urban Bloom allows us to bring their world-class sleep products to our community