News & Blogs

How Do Schools Keep Up?
How do schools keep up you ask? Let’s find out. Walk into your nearest local school, and you won’t be able to find a chalkboard. You won’t see any old TVs on rolling carts or any VCR players. It might even be difficult for you to find paper, pencils, and printed textbooks. Walk into a

You Must Be Seen
Struggling to make any sales? Is your company struggling to make any sales? Are your profits not where you would like them to be? You must be seen before any profit can be made! This means you must get your product and brand out into retail channels where they can be seen by customers. You

Inventory Is Essential
Inventory is essential, but why? Discovering the perfect balance of inventory for your company is a difficult and increasingly common problem. According to a survey conducted by Coresight Research and Select, 43% of respondents report their company struggles with overbuying while 36% of respondents said underbuying was their company’s challenge. It can be disastrous if

Why You NEED A Sourcing, Sales, And Distribution Firm
So you want to know why you need a sourcing, sales, and distribution firm right? In today’s market, it is absolutely vital. You need a sourcing firm, like Titanic Sales, on your team. Let’s take a look and see why. Sourcing Sourcing is an essential part of each company. Why? A sourcing firm is able

How To Manage Distribution On Digital Platforms
Manage Distribution On Digital Platforms: As your company develops, you may feel as though you have mastered distribution. However, if you decide to move toward an online platform, you may have to learn new tricks to manage distribution more digitally. How to manage distribution on digital platforms is the question. Well, these tips are what

Successful Employee Recognition System
Want to know Secrets of a Successful Employee Recognition System? Successful Employee Recognition System: As the human resource manager of a failing manufacturing plant, the author was desperate to find a way to motivate employees and break down the barrier between management and the union. He came up with a simple idea–say thank you

The Power Of Thanks
The Power of Thanks Power of Thanks: Take everything that’s not so great about air travel. Now think of ways to erase that through extraordinary customer service. “This was the mindset of our founders,” says Michael Elliott, Senior Vice President of People at JetBlue, “when they created a small airline that is now a

Little Tikes
Titanic is excited to introduce one of the most iconic brands in children toys. In the past 50 years, Little Tikes has built one of the best reputations through doing business the right way with the best products, service and support that every client deserves. Little Tikes is by far one of the best brands
Titanic Brands
Titanic Sales offers the very best brands you love! And, at a great price too! Titanic brands are vast and well-known. You have even seen most of them in your local stores, for example, Walmart or Target. Our catalog is filled with the names of each brand to give you an idea of what we